Sharpsburg - Main Street Streetscape CD 46 2.2.4
Sharpsburg Borough
Main Street Streetscape
Bid Opening Date: 4/29/2021
Estimate $1,300,000 +/-
Notice is hereby given that the specifications and proposal forms are available from the North Hills Council of Governments (NGCOG) for the above mentioned project.
A nonrefundable fee of Fifty-Five Dollars ($55), payable in advance, will be charged for each set of the above specification if it is to be mailed or Fifty Dollars ($50) if it is to be picked up at the NGCOG offices at 300 Wetzel Road, Suite 201, Glenshaw, PA between the hours of 9:00 am and 4:00 pm weekdays. All checks must be made payable to the North Hills Council of Governments. Request specifications and proposal form.
No documents will be distributed within 24 hours of the scheduled receipt of bids.
Bids will be received at the NHCOG office at 300 Wetzel Road, Suite 201, Glenshaw, PA 15116 until 11:00am, prevailing time, on Thursday, April 29, 2021. All bid proposals will be opened and read at that time at the NHCOG office. The NHCOG reserves the right to reject any and all bids in whole or in part and to waive any informalities.
Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Bond, Cashiers's Check, or Certified Check made payable, without condition, to the North Hills Council of Governments in an amount no less than 10% of the bid. Cash will not be accepted.
Brief description of project: Renovation of Main Street including sidewalks and concrete curb.
Bid Packages were requested by:
Contractor | Bid Amount |
Holbein, Inc. | No Bid |
M and B Services LLC | $570,771.00 |
Builders Exchange (Reporting Agency) | No Bid |
A. Merante Contracting, Inc. | $793,573.00 |
SET Inc. | $793,950.00 |
C.H. & D. Enterprises, Inc. | $930,237.00 |
ConstructConnect (Reporting Agency) | No Bid |
IEI, Inc. | $984,865.00 |
Allegheny City Electric, Inc. | Disqualified |
Follow up Questions. Please review the FAQs and your bid package before submitting any questions. Technical questions regarding the bid package may be submitted to the project engineer Shane Michael, Senate Engineering (412-826-5454).